image by brighterworlds

Toys are an integral part of a toddler's world. It is very important to choose the right toys because so much of their play centres around the imaginary world they create using these toys. Never again will they learn so fast and so easily, so if the toys are educational as well as fun, they will be entertained at the same time as being taught important skills and ways of grasping the world around them.

It is at this age that children start being aware of their surroundings and notice everything with surprise and awe. Their toys should help them make sense of their world and their place in it.

Most toddlers are very active and inquisitive, and want to explore and experiment with everything around them. Toys which allow them to be active and also help develop their gross motor skills are perfect for this age group.

Climbing structures, puzzle blocks, balloons, interactive dolls, and toy bikes and cars are all great. Some more educational toys are puppets and stuffed toys, coloured building blocks, peg boards, pedal toys and swings. These toys provide physical and mental exercises, developing the body muscles and brain cells, including thinking and logical capacity.

Toddlers are also fascinated by colours so coloured pencils and crayons with simple colouring books or drawing books can be useful for teaching shapes and colours while providing fun. You can encourage your child to scribble, colouring, and experiment with the colours to develop their creativity.

With the development of the brain cells, toddlers start associating objects with whatever they are taught and thus, arranging blocks according to shapes, sizes, and colours can be a very educational game. Blocks can be used in a myriad of ways and can be incorporated into many different games. Stacking, sorting, even knocking them over is huge fun.

Toy trains, wooden logs and interlocking blocks help build the toddlers' hand and eye coordination abilities. Playing with sand and clay can also be a very good way of building their imagination and developing their muscular flexibility.

As parents and guardians we must make sure that there are no small objects incorporated in the toys we give to toddlers. Children this young love to put things in their mouths, so keep a watchful eye out and there should be no problems.